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Utilize this proven formula so you can master any subject in school, get the grades you deserve and achieve your goals!

The Kwik Student course is a 30 day program that will get you to learn HOW to learn including drastically improving your ability to focus, memorize and read 300% better.

Kwik Student Methods Used By:

About Jim Kwik

They called him, the boy with a 'broken' brain.

After a childhood brain injury left him learning-challenged, Jim created strategies to dramatically enhance his mental performance. 

He has since dedicated his life to helping others unleash their true genius and brainpower to learn anything faster and live a life of greater power, productivity, and purpose. 

Jim‘s clients include top CEOs and celebrities as well as organizations like Virgin, Zappos, and Harvard University. 

Kwik Student Benefits

Ready to Unleash Your Inner Genius?

Learn powerful and proven study methods to get better grades, better exam scores, qualify for better schools and get better careers in less brain-breaking effort.
4 Keys to Learning Any Subjects Faster
Learn how to remember what you learn in textbooks and lectures. So the information is at your mental fingertips, not at the tip of your tongue.
Overcome the "Forgetful" Curve
Just as there's the learning curve, there's also the forgetting curve. Where 80% of what you learn in class can be forgotten within 2 days. Stop losing valuable information and make them stick in your memory.
Develop Laser Focus & Concentration
Eliminate distractions, stop wasting time procrastinating, and avoid self-sabotage. Sharpen your "mental" saw to cut through any dense material or process them with ease. 
10 Keys for Optimal Brain Health 
Hack your habits to jumpstart your brain and optimize your sleep (even in a noisy dorm room). Upgrade your brain's software while taking care of the hardware. 
Reduce Test Anxiety & Nervousness
Gain the lasting confidence to walk into high-stake exams or dream job interviews and get crushing results. 

Discover New Abilities

If Knowledge is Power - Then Learning is Your Superpower

Learn the strategies you can use (right now) to optimize your ability to learn faster and remember more. Get a head start in school and in life.
Learn Anything
2-3 times faster
Never Forget
facts, numbers, passwords
technical information with ease
Set Goals
& hit any targets
Study More
with less time
Feel Confident
to tackle any challenge

Your Curriculum.

The ability to learn faster is a huge competitive advantage that can save you years of productivity while making your life easier. The program is divided into 30 DAILY online sessions of 10 - 20 minutes each. Each day, you will receive one online training session and a homework assignment to cement what you have learned.

Exclusive Bonuses

Bonus Training #1

3 Effective Studying Techniques with Dr. David Larson

($197 value)

Dr. David Larson is currently in his 5th year of postgraduate medical training at UCSD, and is the author of Medical School 2.0: An Unconventional Guide to Learn Faster, Ace the USMLE, and Get Into Your Top Choice Residency. In his talk, Dr. Larson teaches the 3 most effective studying techniques to unlock your brain’s potential - techniques he used to ace medical school in just a few hours a day.

Bonus Training #2

The Power of Play & Creativity with Alexa Meade

($197 value)

Alexa Meade travels the world creating live painting performances, art installations, and commissioned portraits. She specializes in a painting technique she invented that makes 3D objects appear two-dimensional. In this video, Alexa teaches how to increase your creativity by introducing more play into your life.

Bonus Training #3

Mental Math Hacks with Scott Flansburg

($197 value)

"The Human Calculator", he is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for speed of mental calculation. He is the annual host and ambassador for World Maths Day, a math educator, and media personality. In this session, Scott will show you simple math patterns that will change the way you see numbers and calculate! 

Sign Up for
Kwik Student

Kwik Student

  • 30 Days of the World's Best Student Success Program ($997 Value)
  • ​​30 Worksheets to Apply What You Learn ($497)
  • ​​BONUS TRAINING #1 ($197 value) 3 Effective Study Techniques with Dr. David Larson
  • ​​BONUS TRAINING #2 ($197 value) The Power of Play & Creativity with Alexa Meade
  • ​​BONUS TRAINING #3 ($197 value) Mental Math Hacks with Scott Flansburg
  • ​​30-Day Money Back Guarantee

(Total Value: $2,085.00)

regular price $497

Today for only $297 

Lock in your savings today before the next tuition increase.

“The only way to win is to learn faster than anyone else.”

Eric Ries, The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

All our programs come with 100% satisfaction guarantee. So you can TRY this out risk-free! if you're not 100% satisfied at any time within the next 30 days, let Jim's team know and you'll receive a FULL refund!

A Message From Jim

Do you feel like you're falling behind in your studies? 

I'm here to tell you to stop punishing yourself because it's NOT YOUR FAULT! 

It's time to stop banging your head against the wall using old strategies that hardly ever work. Schools are a great place to learn WHAT to learn, but they don't teach you HOW to learn. 

Here’s the good news: it’s never too late to learn these skills so that you are better equipped to survive, thrive, and succeed in the modern world.

And I want to show you how.

Kwik Student program is a combination of my BEST memory & study skills, where you train with me ONLINE to get the same benefits as some of the world’s top achievers... all without breaking the bank. And you can get started now from the comfort of your own home - with any computer or mobile device! 
Register today and get 60% OFF the ultimate accelerated learning package
Don't take another test before you go through this program! I guarantee you will be blown away by what you can do with your mind and cut your learning time in half. 

I believe in you, and I believe in this program. I look forward to being your brain coach! 
With Love & Learning,
Get Up To 35% Off As A Founding Member

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Jim Kwik

the founder of Kwik Learning & SuperheroYou, is a world expert in speed-reading, memory improvement, brain performance, and accelerated learning. After a childhood brain injury left him learning-challenged, Jim created strategies to dramatically enhance his mental performance. He has since dedicated his life to helping others unleash their true genius and brainpower to learn anything faster and live a life of greater power, productivity, and purpose. Jim‘s clients include top CEOs and celebrities as well as organizations like Virgin, Zappos, and Harvard University.


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