Dear Genius,
This project has been years in the making and personally is a tool I use every single day to activate my genius and limitless potential.
What KwikState allows you to do is to remember who you are and what you are in your natural state. The world tries to tell you that you are stressed, you have anxiety, you are burnt out, you are overloaded because of everything - media, marketing, and constant messaging.
In your natural state you are relaxed. You are calm. You are in harmony. And I feel like this teaming up of NuCalm and Kwik Brain will help you to transcend, to end the trance of mass hypnosis through marketing and media that says that fear and anxiety and stress are normal.
We get you into a state where you feel more aware and empowered, you feel more limitless.
Personally, I feel like I’m at a disadvantage if I don’t use KwikState powered by NuCalm each day.
Your most precious gift is your brain. It is what allows you to learn, love, think, create, and even to experience joy. It is the gateway to your emotions, to your capacity for deeply experiencing life and your ability to have lasting intimacy. It allows you to innovate, grow, and accomplish.
From a neuroscience perspective, most people have a default system that kicks in every morning when the amygdala activates and scans for threats or triggers negative reactions. Don’t blame the amygdala, it’s simply doing its job.
However, this start to our day is not in the best interest of achieving our goals - in our case, to be a limitless experience.
There is another way, and it is time for you to experience KwikState.
Be Limitless,